The Board of Trustees of the Subsequent Injury Trust Fund schedules regular meetings on a quarterly basis; special meetings are called as needed. All board meetings are open to the public.

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Georgia Administrative Procedure Act, O.C.G.A. Sections 50-13-3, 50-13-4, 50-13-6 and 50-13-21, and pursuant to O.C.G.A Section 34-9-354, of the following proposal by the Board of Trustees to adopt Rules and Regulations of the Subsequent Injury Trust Fund. The Rules and Regulations of the Subsequent Injury Trust Fund proposed to be adopted are: Rule 622-3-.01, entitled Establishment of Pro Rata Refund Period.


The purpose of the Rule proposed to be adopted is to define the three-year period provided for in O.C.G.A. Section 34-9-358(f)(1).  The proposed rule defines the three-year period as the last three calendar years in which the fund collected assessments pursuant to Code Section 34-9-358, in the event that assessments are discontinued prior to the date that the last claim is paid pursuant to Code Section 34-9-360. 

The aforesaid proposed rule is now on file in the office of the Administrator of the Subsequent Injury Trust Fund, 270 Washington Street, SW, Suite 3001D, Atlanta, GA 30334, and is hereby declared to be a public record as follows: Interested persons may participate in the proposed rulemaking process by submitting their written comments to Mike Pentecost, Administrator, 270 Washington Street, SW, Suite 3001D, Atlanta, GA 30334.  All comments must be received by the Administrator by 4:30 P.M. on April 4, 2025. Interested persons may also participate in the proposed rulemaking by submitting oral comments at the hearing to commence on April 14, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. at SITF Offices located at 270 Washington Street, Suite 3001D, Atlanta, GA 30334.  

Said hearing will be conducted virtually by videoconference.  Persons wishing to participate by videoconference should contact the Administrator for information regarding access to the videoconference or to attend in person.  Oral presentations during the hearing may be limited to five (5) minutes per person in order to afford all interested persons an opportunity to be heard.  If you have a physical impairment and require assistance or have any questions regarding this notice, please contact the Administrator.  Based upon full consideration of all written and oral comments regarding the above matters, the Board of Trustees may reject or adopt the proposed rule or may make changes to the proposed rule which may require another rulemaking hearing.  

Again, direct All Correspondence To: Mike Pentecost, Administrator, Subsequent Injury Trust Fund, 270 Washington Street, SW, Suite 3001D, Atlanta, GA 30334, Telephone Number (404) 656-7013, [email protected]




Administrator Mike Pentecost